Over 18,000 get private sector jobs

Over 18,000 get private sector jobs

The Ministry of Manpower announced the appointment of 18,344 citizens in various private sector institutions in different governorates of the Sultanate during the period from December 3 2017 to March 19 2018 in continuation of the efforts of all governmental and private agencies to provide job opportunities for job seekers.


The number of males recruited was 12,277 job seekers, while the number of females was 6,067 with 8,901 of them holding certificates less than the general education diploma, 6,321 of them holding general education diploma, and 3,122 with university diploma of degree.

The construction, wholesale and retail trade, and manufacturing industries continued to witness the highest number of recruiters.

The percentage of job seekers who were appointed in the construction sector reached 32.8 per cent of the total, 14.3 per cent in the wholesale and retail trade sector, and 13.3 per cent in the manufacturing sector.

tag: oman-news , omanjobs

Source: timesofoman


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