Video: Here’s what an Omani passport from the ’70s looked like

Video: Here’s what an Omani passport from the ’70s looked like

One of the earliest passports dating back to the ’70s was donated to the National Museum of Oman.

The passport belongs to citizen Sheikh Hamad Al Balushi, from what was once the Imamate of Oman. In addition to the passport, Sheikh Hamad also donated the first issue of the Oman newspaper, dated November 18, 1972, that coincided with the celebration of the Sultanate’s second National day.


Authorities thanked Sheikh Hamad for donating the newspaper and the passport numbered 7,000 that was issued on February 5, 1970, in Dammam, Saudi Arabia.

In a statement online the National Museum authorities said, “The Museum expresses its thanks and appreciation to Sheikh Hamad bin Hamdan Al Balushi for his generosity in giving the museum the passport of "State of the Emirate of Oman" issued in Dammam on 5/2/1970, bearing the number 7,000 [and also for donating] the first issue of the Oman newspaper issued on 18/11/1972, with the Sultanate celebrating the second glorious national day.”

tag: oman-news , information

Source: timesofoman


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