Omani citizens in Kerala asked to be cautious, Kerala flood, Omani citizens in India, latest kerala flood news, Kerala climatic conditions, Oman, Muscat

Omani citizens in Kerala asked to be cautious

 The Oman Embassy in India has asked citizens living in Kerala to be cautious owing to the severe climatic conditions there.

The Embassy said in a statement, "The Embassy calls upon dear Omani citizens in Kerala, India, to take caution due to the difficult weather conditions in the province and to abide by the local government warnings and security measures for public safety."

"Please contact 00918879887928 for assistance. The Sultanate's Embassy in New Delhi and its Consulate in Mumbai are in constant contact with the Indian government for the latest developments on the weather conditions."

Southern states in India, including Kerala have been hit by floods, with the Kochi airport being closed for flights since Thursday till Sunday afternoon.

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Source: Times Of Oman


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