In limbo – ID card hits Indian expats in the pocket

In limbo – ID card hits Indian expats in the pocket

Indian expats in Oman are flying home so that they can apply for new government biometric ID cards to ensure they can access savings there. The Indian government has announced that Non Resident Indians (NRIs) are not eligible for Aadhaar identification cards, a new form of biometric ID card being rolled out across India.

The card will eventually be linked to bank accounts, phone and web based services, the government hopes.


But many banks in India are already demanding Aadhaar numbers from Indians – including expats living and working in Oman, who are not eligible to have the card. That hasn’t stopped thousands of expat Indians bending the rules by flying home to apply for the cards – just to make life easier.

The Indian embassy in Oman has also warned NRIs in Oman to take the government circular with them when they return to India – as they should not have to produce an Aadhaar card number.

Without it, many here in Oman have found themselves frozen out of bank accounts, savings, telephone and web based services.

The majority of Indian expats in Oman have a bank account back home in India, which lists their Indian addresses.

That has prompted some banks and insurance services to consider them resident Indians, which means an Aadhaar card number should be available.

Many essential services are only carried out once these cards are active, which can stop people from opening bank accounts, procuring SIM cards for their phones, or even applying for internet services.

To bypass this, frustrated Indians who live and work overseas are, therefore, forced to apply for Aadhaar cards when they visit India and write down their Indian addresses, where they don’t live for most part of the year, just to access these basic services.

However, A Narayana Raja, CEO of the Oman branch of the State Bank of India, said not having an Aadhaar should not stop NRIs from accessing services in banks.

“When a person is an NRI, he is not expected to give any Indian address in banks, only his foreign address is a must,” he added.

Even if you are an NRI, you can have a savings account back in India.” Residents also how their lack of Aadhaar cards had hampered them back home.

“When I recently went to India, I needed a new SIM card for my phone, and when the shopkeeper asked me for an Aadhaar card, I told him I was an NRI and was not eligible for one,” revealed one Indian expat in Muscat.

“My passport was not accepted by him as an appropriate ID, and he told me that I would need to find someone who would be willing to come with me in person, and use his Aadhaar card, just to get a SIM card.


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tag: oman-news , daily-oman

Source: timesofoman


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