iPhone X Users Already Reporting Huge Problem

Tim Cook recently said he’s feeling ‘very bullish’ about the new device and he ‘couldn’t be more excited about Apple’s future.’

iPhoneX Users Already Reporting Huge Problem tim cook

He added

   " There’s always doubting Thomases out there – I’ve been hearing those for the 20 years I’ve been here.

    I suspect I’ll hear about them until I retire. I don’t really listen to that too much.

Over in Hong Kong, grey market sellers are already making profit from the phone

A dozen or so card tables and Styrofoam boxes have been set up down Argyle Street, Mong Kok, which is one of the city’s most populated shopping areas.

iPhoneX Users Already Reporting Huge Problem PA 33561229

As TechRadar revealed, iPhone sales were already going through the roof prior to the iPhone X going on sale.

Apple sold 46.7 million iPhone devices in the last three months, which is 14% up in phones sold from the previous quarter and 3% from the same time last year.

Apple’s overall revenue for the fourth quarter was $52.6 billion.

tag: international-news , technology

Source: unilad


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