Food and other items you cannot bring into Qatar
4. Exotic Hunting Trophies and Endangered Species
To emphasis Qatar’s commitment to the international crackdown on the illegal poaching and trade of ivory and rhino horns these items are banned to contribute to the protection of these endangered species.
5. Some over-the-counter drugs
As drug peddlers have sought to exploit prescription drugs, which when taken by people who do not need them can have narcotic effects in the consumers. Such drugs include painkillers for example Tramadol, Morphine, Diazepam, and medicines that contain amphetamine as an active ingredient. To plug this loophole and not allow ill-intentioned people to bring large quantities of prescription drugs into the country, authorities have taken some measures to regulate the flow of these drugs into the country. One of the most important policy changes in this regard is that visitors entering Qatar can no longer carry prescription drugs without a valid prescription from a certified practitioner.
tag: international-news , legal
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