The Most Beautiful But Deadly Crystals On The Planet


Arsenopyrite, aka arsenic iron sulfide, has an appearance similar to that of fool’s gold. When this substance is heated, it releases its lethal constituent in a gaseous form. Even the warmth of your body while handling this substance can initiate contact with the poison. Handle with caution.


Orpiment forms naturally near hydrothermal vents, comprised of arsenic and sulfur. Simply touching these fine crystals is enough to release the deadly neurotoxin. There are some cultures that have utilized this neurotoxic agent by rubbing arrowheads into its dust.


Galena has been found in a variety of regions throughout the Earth’s crust. While this shiny mineral may look quite harmless, it is actually extremely brittle. This poses a large risk of lead poisoning to those that are exposed to it for longs periods of time by inhalation of its deadly dust or simply touching it.


Found all over the European continent, this bizarre looking mineral is the result of a natural blending of lead, thallium, and arsenic. Those that have come into direct contact with it have experienced severe sickness, hair loss, and even death.

If you are interested in creating a mineral collection, do you research and know what you’re working with before handling any unknown minerals, especially before ordering any specimen off of the internet and un-boxing it in your home. What starts as a harmless hobby could cost one their life.

tag: blog , nature

Source: qatarday


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