Scientists Have Found The Cousin Of ’World’s Ugliest Animal’ From Deep, Cold Australian Abyss

Scientists have previously revealed they also came across an unusual faceless fish, which has only been recorded once before by the pioneering crew of HMS Challenger off Papua New Guinea in 1873.


Museums Victoria ichthyologist Martin Gomon said the gathering in Hobart was the first systematic attempt to examine life at abyssal zone depths anywhere along Australia's vast coastline.


"The discoveries provide us with a glimpse into how our marine fauna fits into the interconnected abyssal environment worldwide and for the scientists, adds another piece to the puzzle of what affects evolution in the deep sea," he said.

"For those of us aboard it was a real buzz to see the amazing fishes that provide this information as they emerged from the nets and we're looking forward to the opportunity to take a closer look at them in Hobart this week."

Life at such depths is one of crushing pressures, no light, little food and freezing temperatures, with animals that call it home evolving unique ways to survive.

As food is scarce, they are usually small and move slowly. Many are jelly-like and spend their lives floating about, while others have ferocious spines and fangs and lie in wait until food comes to them.

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tag: blog , nature

Source: indiatimes


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