5 Slowest Animals in the World

4. The Giant Tortoise

You must be expecting a tortoise in the list and the wait is over. The most anticipated animal has arrived in the list of top 10 slowest animals in the world on number 4 spot. The giant tortoise is one of the slowest animals on the Earth. It is commonly found in Galapagos Islands and Seychelles. It inhabits grasslands and wet lands. An interesting fact about tortoise is that it can live without water and food for about one year. This is something unbelievable.

This reptile is the longest living animal that has a life span of 190 years which is unbelievable. The weight of the tortoise is about 660 lbs (300 kg). They attain a length of 1.3 m.

A tortoise has very heavy shell and very thick legs. Perhaps this is the reason for their slow movement. This animal moves at a speed of 76 cm per second.


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tag: blog , nature

Source: teninsider


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