Don’t put your kids at risk: Experts warn of dangers with children using technology
Gadgets are spoiling children, mentally and physically. What’s the way out, or is there any way forward?
tudies have proved that around 70 per cent of the children master gadgets by their primary school age. All of us are awed when we see a two or three-year-old child use a mobile phone with ease. But is this really a matter to be awed about?
These days it’s difficult for an adult to stay away from gadgets, then why blame a small child, perhaps? Kids imitate adults, of course. So, if they must stay away from gadgets, adults should make a bit of effort.
Board games and puzzles no longer interest kids. The birthday gifts they ask for these days are gadgets. Where is all this heading for?
We are killing their childhood by providing them with gadgets at a young age. They prefer to play on gadgets and hence reducing their physical activity making them obese at a very young age. Playing on a phone while having food makes them eat more than required.
Children’s sleep is also being affected because of their craze for the games. It also impacts the child’s behaviour in many ways, which can lead to anxiety and depression after a point.
So, let’s make sure we don’t ruin their childhood with these gadgets.
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