Why oh why?
There have been moments in my life where I have to look two or three times at something to be sure that I am seeing what I think I am seeing. I can only imagine that was the case for the people who snapped these pictures.
The world is a big place. It houses amazing people and weird things. Here is a list! Let's have a look!
Winnie The.. What?
No way! I am seriously going to kill the person who did this to my favourite character! Winnie, my pooh!
That adventure!
I would seriously curse the person if this kind of bathroom was made in my house. I mean why would you do this to a human who needs to bathroom to shit around!
Baby Head
Okay! So you open a refrigerator and you see this little creepy head staring right back at you! I mean why would you keep it there!
Creative ones!
In case you feel lonely while pooping, there is this intercom and braided toile paper to help you cure your boredom! Creativity at its best!
If you think you can spoil floors by your shit if you are a bird, we humans are watching you! This guy is all set for a bloody revenge and to freak out those seagulls.
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