True Vegas Shooting Motive Revealed: US To Enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance

True Vegas Shooting Motive Revealed: US To Enact A.I. Quantum Mass Surveillance

Numerous articles and videos are now surfacing indicating the recent Vegas shooting is a false flag operation, however most sources conclude it is part of a larger agenda to promote gun control. While that is more than likely true, the bigger picture developing behind the scenes is far more sinister.

Quantum computing has arrived and combined with A.I. and facial recognition, it is taking mass surveillance to a whole new level.


Combat Zones That See

A project of the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) whose goal is to “track everything that moves” in a city by linking up a massive network of surveillance cameras to a centralized computer system. Artificial intelligence software will then identify and track all movement throughout the city.

Quantum Computers Are Up and Running

Although tech companies remain largely silent on whether they have implemented quantum computing, there are developments that suggest otherwise:

            > In July at the 2017 International Conference on Quantum Technologies held in Moscow, Russia, a Russian and Harvard team announced they built the first 51 qubit quantum computer.

            > September 2017 Australian researchers announced they have designed a new type of qubit that they say will finally make it possible to manufacture a true, large-scale quantum computer.

            > Google and other companies involved in quantum computing are said to have mastered much of the fundamental science behind creating high-quality superconducting qubits, the big challenge facing these firms (they                     claim) is scaling these systems and reducing their error rates.

           > China has completed a 2,000km quantum communications ground network and is the only nation with a quantum satellite.

Since then in China over 20 million CCTV cameras have been equipped with A.I. technology that can utilize facial recognition to identify each person – upload and attach a pop-up of personal information, such as age, gender, even the clothes you are currently wearing in real time. 

Moscow officially turns on a facial recognition system designed by a Russian A.I firm for its city-wide camera network, consisting of 160k CCTV cameras.

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tag: blog , information

Source: worldtruth


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