Solar eclipse 2017: The pictures you have to see

The US President, for his part, did not set the best example. (Though he and the First Lady were also pictured wearing protective eyewear.)

USPresident Donald Trump, with First Lady Melania Trump at his side, looks up at the partial solar eclipse from the balcony of the White House in Washington, DC, on August 21, 2017


In the town of Greenville, South Carolina, one set of parents made a last-minute decision to name their daughter, born hours earlier, in honour of the eclipse that cast a spell over their country.

Eclipse Alizabeth Eubanks weighed six pounds and three ounces, according to Greenville Memorial Hospital.

MeetEclipse! She was born at 8:04 a.m. at Greenville Memorial Hospital. She's 6 pounds, 3 ounces and 19 inches long. Mom and dad made a last-minute decision to name her Eclipse this morning.

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Source: BBC


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