Passports to invest in without migrating
Saint Lucia
Another popular destination in the Caribbean, Saint Lucia offers individuals and their families a chance to get a second citizenship without relocating. Applicants are not even required to visit the country. All they have to do is set aside US$100,000, to get instant visa-free travel to 123 countries worldwide.
Cost: US$100,000 contribution to St. Lucia’s National Economic Fund or an investment in a government-approved project
Number of countries with visa-free access: 123, including Schengen, United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong
The country has a citizenship by investment program established since 1991 and it allows full rights in exchange for a sum of US$100,000. Like a few other countries, Dominica doesn’t require applicants to live in the country.
Cost: US$100,000 contribution to Dominica’s government fund
Number of countries with visa-free access: 118
Saint Kitts & Nevis
Another Caribbean country, Saint Kitts & Nevis offers citizenship without requiring applicants to relocate. Passport holders in this country are free to travel to more than 100 destinations worldwide without obtaining a visit visa.
Cost: US$250,000 contribution to the Sugar Industry Diversification Fund or a real estate investment of $US400,000 in any government-approved project
Number of countries that offer visa-free access: 129, including Schengen states and United Kingdom
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