Most Corrupt Countries in the world 2017
4. Afghanistan
It is also known as the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and has a total population of approximately 35 million people. It is also popular for having terror groups such as the Al-Qaeda. Afghanistan is in a constant war which is been facilitated by factors such as poor governance, rule of laws that are weak, and well established financial support systems and corruption. The removal of international combat troops from Afghanistan left the national economy struggling and a security environment that is not secure. Measures to help fight corruption have been rendered futile.
3. Sudan
Sudan is a country in Africa that is located in the Northeastern part of the continent. It has a total population of approximately 40million people. Even after decades of civil war, political discontent and a state of commotion Sudan is still facing a lot of governance and challenges that are related to corruption. Some of the factors that are making corruption to be evident in Sudan are: public servants demanding more payment, and there is also a state of patronage that is having an adverse effect in that it is altering market competition to the disadvantage of political firms and the misuse of public funds. There is also corruption in the police and security forces which diminish internal security and allows the improper use of political and civil rights. The absence of transparency in the oil sector is also making Northern and Southern parts of Sudan to be unstable.
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