How to Eliminate Mucus and Phlegm from the Throat and Chest (Immediate Results)

How to Eliminate Mucus and Phlegm from the Throat and Chest (Immediate Results)

People with nasal and throat blockages have phlegm deposits in the lungs which cause breathing problems and increased coughing. Although this is not a fatal issue, it can interfere with your everyday life.

Also, if you do not treat this problem, it may cause you, even more, health problems.

Phlegm in the Lungs

For those who do not know, phlegm is a sticky substance secreted by the mucus of the ventilator system. This substance is sticky because of its protective role to catch dust, viruses, and allergies. Among its main roles is preventing infections such as colds.


When one feels an urge to cough it means they have excess mucus in the throat and the chest, which can be a result of bacteria, viruses, flu, and so on.

The rest of the symptoms are fever, weakness, difficulty breathing, and runny nose. The phlegm blocks the bronchial tubes if it is not removed properly.

How to Remove Mucus in a Natural Way

Even though there are meds that can be helpful, in order to avoid side effects, there are natural ways as well. Below we offer you 4 methods you may find useful.

Ginger Tea

Ginger is a healthy remedy which is antibacterial, antiviral, antihistamine, as well as a natural decongestant. So, it can ease throat and chest congestion by removing excess phlegm. The best way to use ginger is in tea. If you want to prepare this tea, you need:

Two cups of water

One teaspoon of honey

One teaspoon of peppercorn

Six pieces of ginger

How to prepare it?

Boil the water, then add the peppercorn and the ginger. Wait for the mixture to boil. When it starts boiling, you should cover it and let it stay for 1 minute.

After a minute set the heat to medium and let the tea simmer for five more minutes. Finally, when you remove it from the heat, you should add honey. You can consume two cups a day.

Honey and Lemon

Both lemon and honey have antibacterial and antifungal properties. The lemon has a lot of vitamin C so that it will prevent congestion, and it improves the immunity. Also, lemon’s acidity breaks down the mucus. To make this mixture, you need:

Two tablespoons of lemon juice

One tablespoon of honey

How to prepare it?

Make a mixture of both ingredients till you get a homogeneous blend. Take this mixture three times per day.

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