8 Common Reasons You Feel Bloated All The Time

5. Poor food combining

Did you know that the types of foods that you eat together can affect how well they are digested? Some people are much more sensitive to this than others. When foods are improperly combined, it slows down the digestive process, and can result in bloating and indigestion.

The biggest rule of food combining is to eat your fruits alone, and not to combine them with other foods, especially proteins. For most people, this is as far as you will need to take it. For example, never eat melon or a fruit salad directly after a fish dinner!

Other rules of food combining are to not combine proteins with carbohydrates. This becomes tricky and almost impossible with a vegetarian diet, but for those of you who eat meat, poultry or fish, try separating your starches and proteins and see how it feels. You may notice much more ease of digestion. For example, have a breakfast consisting of juice fruits; have a mid-morning snack of nuts; eat a lunch consisting of meat, poultry or fish with lots of vegetables; and then have a more carbohyrate-heavy dinner such as a baked sweet potato with grilled vegetables.


6. Irregular meal-times

Another common cause of bloating is simply eating at irregular times. When you go for long hours without eating, or have large amounts of food at bedtime, your digestion (and metabolism) will suffer.For example, skipping breakfast, and then eating a large lunch will almost always cause bloating – it is shocking your digestive system, and also will cause a big rise in blood sugar and insulin as described above. You will end up bloated and tired, searching for caffeine to stay productive in the afternoon.

Our bodies run best with regular and consistent meal times, and our digestive system also functions better with consistency. Aim for a breakfast within 1 hour of waking, a regularly timed mid-day lunch, and dinner before 7pm. Include mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks if needed.

7. Deficiency of digestive enzymes

Digestive enzymes are produced by the pancreas to help with the breakdown of food into forms that can be absorbed by your body. Enzymes break down proteins, carbohydrates, fats and lactose.

In some cases, the body may not be producing enough digestive enzymes, resulting in bloating, pain, indigestion and irregular bowel movements. A deficiency of digestive enzymes can be caused by: 1) food intolerances causing low-grade inflammation in the intestinal tract; 2) overgrowth of bacteria / yeast / parasites; 3) low stomach acid; 4) chronic stress; and 5) aging.

Lactose intolerance is also a form of enzyme deficiency, where there is insufficient lactase enzyme to breakdown lactose, resulting in poor digestion of dairy products. Lactose intolerance can be tested with a breath test, or with a 2 week dairy-free trial, followed by a challenge (meaning eating dairy products to watch what happens).

A temporary solution to this problem is to take digestive enzymes with your meals, and to avoid dairy if you have a lactose intolerances. It is however important to get to the root of the problem, and treat any imbalances in order to encourage the body to produce sufficient enzymes on its own.

8. Other causes of dysbiosis – small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or parasites

It is very common to have an imbalance in the organisms in the intestinal tract, and in addition to yeast as discussed above, many people also carry extra pathogenic bacteria and even parasites in their digestive tracts. This is more likely if you have traveled recently (especially to Asia, Africa or South America), but even eating out in Toronto you can pick up some nasty bugs. With this type of digestive imbalance, there is also typically diarrhea, weight loss and fatigue.

There is accurate testing for bacterial overgrowth and parasites with a comprehensive digestive stool analysis (ones through US labs are best) to accurately pin-point what is growing. Treatment is then much simpler once the organism(s) have been identified.


In conclusion, there are many causes of bloating that a Naturopathic doctor is looking for, and this is usually a very treatable condition. It is not normal to need to loosen your pants every night after dinner, or to be too bloated at the end of the day to go out and socialize. I hope this brief article has given you a starting point to improve your digestive health!

tag: blog , health

Source: worldtruth


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