5 Strange Techniques That Can Help You Trick Yourself Into Sleeping

5 Strange Techniques That Can Help You Trick Yourself Into Sleeping

Can't sleep no matter what you do? While we all know that having a hot bath and avoiding caffeinated drinks before bedtime can help us sleep better, a lot of still struggle with dosing off, let alone logging in deep sleep. That's because sleep patterns are often affected by our mind and to a certain extent due to the effects of our body as well. 

Here are 5 proven ways to fall asleep faster and hopefully get deeper sleep as well:

Try and stay awake!

It may sound counterintuitive, but reverse psychology, in this case trying to stay awake, helps beats sleep anxiety. The worry about not being able to fall asleep often makes us do exactly the opposite. A study conducted at the University of Glasgow discovered that lying awake with your eyes wide open helped fall asleep quicker. The harder you try to sleep the higher the likelihood of that you'll fail.


Warm your feet

5Strange Techniques That Can Help You Trick Yourself Into Sleeping

Warming your feet; either by wearing socks or keeping them snuggled under a blanket sends a signal to your brain that its time to dose off. In fact, a study conducted by journal Nature found that warm feet or even hands is a good indicator of the onset of sleep. The shifting of the flow of blood towards your extremities (hands and feet) works in conjunction with melatonin. 

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tag: blog , health

Source: indiatimes


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