10 Easiest Countries to Get Permanent Residency

10 Easiest Countries to Get Permanent Residency

It is known to everyone that many countries provides permanent residency for those people who are not by birth a citizen of that particular country. But here it has been described that there are some countries which really offers hustle free ways to get their permanent citizenship. But for them too, one needs to follow some legal rules, submit documents, fulfil criteria etc. The countries offers permanent citizenship easily than that of any other countries is listed below.

Easiest Countries to Get Permanent Residency

1. Panama

Panama is considered to be the easiest country to get permanent residency. To get residency one will need to legally live in Panama for a minimum of 5years. Only after that he can apply for citizenship. The other requirements needed are-

  • * Medical tests- A general medical report which can state that the applicant is not having any mental, physical or infectious diseases. HIV test (it has to be negative), x ray report of the lungs.
  • * Documents- 2 photographs (passport sized), Copy of Every pages of Passport.
  • * Stability- The applicant has to get a job or he/she must be doing a business.
  • * Bank details- The applicant should have a permanent bank account with minimum balance of $5000 + $2000 for each dependent person.
  • * Stamps and others will cost around $900 ( + $260 extra, this will be required after getting the approval and issue of the Letter of Neutralization)

2. Belize

This is another country where one can get permanent citizenship easily. Normal citizenship of Belize is given to those who born in Belize. There are some methods which can provide a person who hasn’t born in Belize but still can get permanent citizenship of this country. They are-

  • A person has to live in Belize for at least 5yr before applying for citizenship.( the person cannot move out of Belize for more than consecutive 14days)
  • One should apply for tourist visa first from The Department of Tourist. Citizens of US, UK and some others do not need to do so.
  • One should have a bank balance of $2000 a month to prove that he/she is capable to spend on living in Belize.
  • If anyone marries a person who is currently a citizen of Belize can get citizenship only if he/she stays in Belize for 1yr.
  • Application fees for citizenship vary from person to person. Citizen of Mexico and Guatemala- $125 to $2000, Citizen of US- $1000, Caricom citizen- $250

Note: *one cannot apply for citizenship of Belize if one’s either parents has citizenship of countries which are in war with Belize.*While a person is in tourist visa, he/she cannot indulge himself/herself to work in Belize.*

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