What Are The White Spots On Your Nails Trying To Tell You?

What Are The White Spots On Your Nails Trying To Tell You?

Nails; they may seem like they don't need time wasted over them but remove your polish and you'll see that they have their own set of problems. 


Sometimes nails are painted so frequently that they turn a garish shade of yellow. Other times, they are left brittle and damaged after far too many gel manicures.

All of those conditions are caused by external forces which can be controlled. You can always use a base coat or stay off the manicures. But what happens when a nail problem occurs that you can't really seem to get a handle on?

White spots are one such trouble. Like some kind of mystical spell, they seem to appear out of thin air and no one really knows why. Today, we're answering the pertinent questions about those strange white spots on your nails.

Firstly, what is it?

The condition is called leukonychia and is defined by white streaks, patches and dots on the bed of the nails. The white area can vary as small dots or large patches across one or many of the nails. It is a very common condition which has many varied types and is generally not harmful by any means.

Where do the white spots appear from?

According to Healthline, the most common cause of white spots is injury to the nail. When the nail bed is injured, the hurt forms in the bed of the nail in the form of white spots. Sometimes, this could happen when your is pinched in a drawer or hurt when getting a manicure. A spot forms slowly from the time of the injury and grows out along with the natural cycle of the nail. Another reason why white spots show up is when the nail is allergic to a particular substance. This could be a nail polish, tools being used in a salon or process of acrylic and gel manicures which doesn't agree to your nails. White spots can also be a sign of a fungal infection on the nail bed and are also known to be a symptom of zinc deficiency.

How do you deal with them?

It doesn't take much effort to deal with white spots. If you aren't a fan of bright polish, apply a skin toned nail polish until it grows out of your nail bed. If it keeps occurring, keep an eye on any new products you've tried or a salon you've visited and eliminate them. However, if the white spots continue to persist, visit a doctor to determine the exact infection or allergy causing them.

tag: blog , health

Source: ndtv


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