Top 10 Superfoods to Fight Fatigue
5. Yogurt
The high amount of protein, carbohydrates and gut-healthy probiotics in yogurt can be a big help to fight symptoms of fatigue. In fact, the body processes yogurt more quickly than any solid food, and hence it works as a great source for quick energy whenever you need it.
The probiotics in yogurt can also help ease symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. They also play a key role in improving the health of your digestive tract.
You can eat yogurt anytime of the day. Eat at least 1 cup of fat-free yogurt daily. If you do not like plain yogurt, add some frozen berries or other fruits and nuts or make a smoothie.
6. Watermelon
If you’re feeling fatigued on a hot day or after a workout due to dehydration, you can get your energy back with a slice of watermelon. Watermelon is rich in water and electrolytes that keep dehydration at bay and help keep you active and free from symptoms of fatigue.
Plus, it is rich in fatigue-fighter nutrients like potassium, vitamin C, lycopene, beta-carotene and iron.
Next time you feel fatigued and need instant energy, have a slice of watermelon. You can also make a healthy drink with some watermelon, a little honey and lemon juice, and water. Drink the juice after a workout to prevent signs of fatigue.
7. Walnuts
Another popular fatigue-busting food is walnuts. They are high in omega-3 fatty acids that can easily counteract fatigue symptoms. They can also help relieve symptoms of mild depression.
Plus, walnuts contain both protein and fiber, which help boost energy after a workout. These nuts also have a decent amount of manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper and vitamins.
Aim to include 1/4 cup of shelled walnuts in your daily diet. You can eat roasted walnuts as a healthy mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. Also, you can sprinkle walnut pieces on cereal, milkshakes, smoothies, soups and salads.
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