Top 10 Superfoods for Teeth

8. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains cocoa, which contains tannin that helps prevent tooth erosion and decay by combating inflammation of the gums. Cocoa also reduces the growth of plaque and appears to lower acid production.
Dark chocolate can also promote blood circulation in the gums. Chocolate has many antioxidants and disease-fighting phenolic compounds that combat cell damage in the mouth and throughout the body. So enjoy a piece of dark chocolate several times a day.

9. Water

Water is indispensable when it comes to oral health. It is the primary component in saliva, which deposits essential minerals into your teeth. It also washes away small food particles between your teeth, which is important to the health of both your teeth and gums.

Water also keeps your gums well hydrated and helps prevent decay by strengthening tooth enamel. Most tap water also contains fluoride, a mineral that protects against tooth erosion (also found in toothpaste and some mouthwashes).

So to keep your teeth healthy and decay free, always try to drink as much water as you can.

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