Top 10 Superfoods for Summer

7. Sweet Lime

Also known as mosambi, sweet lime is a juicy and delicious fruit. Full of water, sweet lime helps you regain the water and electrolytes lost due to summer sweating.


It is also an excellent source of vitamin C, copper and iron. It aids in digestion to ward off digestive problems that are common in the summer. In addition, sweet lime also prevents skin hyperpigmentation, black spots and pimples as well as reducing sun tan.

Extract the juice from sweet limes and add a little salt and sugar to make a refreshing summer drink.
8. Coconut Water

Coconut water, the purest liquid after water, is one of the important healthy foods to have during hot summer days when people lose a considerable amount of water due to perspiration.

This natural, refreshing beverage is packed with simple sugar, electrolytes and minerals that help replenish hydration levels within the body. A glass of coconut water can easily restore the electrolyte composition in body fluids.

Plus, it can aid in losing weight as it is low in fat, cholesterol and chlorides. It reduces food cravings and keeps a person feeling full.

Stay hydrated with coconut water this summer. Drink coconut water on an empty stomach in the morning to protect your lungs, eyes, kidneys and blood circulation from the effects of heat.

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