Top 10 Liver-Cleansing Superfoods
2. Grapefruit
Being a good source of vitamin C, pectin and antioxidants, grapefruit also aids the natural cleansing process of the liver.
It also contains glutathione, a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and detoxifies the liver. Glutathione also helps in the detoxification of heavy metals. Moreover, the flavonoid naringenin in grapefruit helps break down fat.
Drink a small glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice or enjoy the whole fruit with your breakfast daily.
Note: If you are on medications, consult your doctor before taking this fruit as it may interact with certain drugs.
3. Beetroots
Beetroots are another powerful food for cleansing and supporting liver function. High in plant flavonoids and beta-carotene, they help stimulate and improve overall liver function. Moreover, beetroots are natural blood purifiers.
- Simply add fresh beetroots or juice to your daily diet.
- Make a powerful liver-cleansing salad with 1 cup of chopped or grated beetroots, 2 tablespoons of cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil and the juice of ½ lemon. Mix all the ingredients together and eat 2 teaspoons of it every 2 hours during the day for a week.
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