Top 10 Health Benefits of Green Tea
6. Prevents Hair Loss
Green tea is packed with antioxidants that help prevent hair loss and can also promote hair re-growth. The polyphenol catechins in green tea help block DHT, which is the key factor for hair loss.
Plus, green tea has a component called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) that promotes hair growth by stimulating hair cells.
Drink a few cup of green tea daily to prevent hair loss and possible help re-grow your hair. Also, cool freshly-brewed green tea, rinse your wet hair with it and then rinse your hair with water after 10 minutes. Do this a few times a week for at least a few months. It will also help reduce problems like dandruff and dry scalp.
7. Fights Against Aging
The antioxidants, especially those known as polyphenols, in green tea help protect the skin from harmful free radicals. In fact, polyphenols help fight against various signs of aging, promote longevity, and treat skin diseases.
Also, the high levels of oligomeric proanthocyanidins in green tea are thought to help slow down premature aging if taken internally. This is one reason green tea is being used in a host of beauty products.
Studies have demonstrated that green tea applied topically can also reduce sun damage. In addition, green tea helps fight against skin cancer.
8. Lowers Blood Pressure
Regular consumption of green tea is thought to reduce the risk of high blood pressure. It helps keep blood pressure down by repressing angiotensin, which leads to high blood pressure.
In fact, according to study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, people who consumed one-half to two and a half cups of green tea regularly for at least one year reduced the risk of developing high blood pressure by 46% as compared to those who did not drink any green tea.
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