Top 10 Health Benefits of Grapes
8. Boosts Immunity
According to a 2013 study by Oregon State University, red grapes may enhance immune function. The resveratrol found in red grapes plays a key role in boosting the immune system and reducing the risk of uncontrolled immune responses. When the immune system is strong, it’s easier for your body to fight off illnesses and infections.
In addition, grapes provide several nutrients that are vital for a healthy immune system, including vitamin C, iron and vitamin B6.
To reduce the risk of getting sick regularly, start eating grapes, especially red grapes.
9. Aids Detoxification
Grapes are natural diuretics and hence aid detoxification, which is elimination of harmful toxins from the body. A high level of toxins can cause chronic fatigue, weakness, inflammation, digestive disorders as well as skin problems.
Grapes have high water and potassium content that helps flush out the toxins through increased urine flow. They also have a laxative effect due to the fiber present in the skin and seeds.
For detoxification, eat grapes with seeds, as grape seeds contain the most valuable nutrients. Just make sure to chew them well for easier digestion.
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