Things You Should Never Do After Eating

Things You Should Never Do After Eating!

After having a dinner, a number of people have a tendency to lay down and watch a movie or just chill without knowing that this is a terrible habit which can be extremely harmful to their overall health.

So, today we have a list of 5 things that you should never do after having a dinner or lunch:



Many people are aware that smoking is extremely harmful to their health and yet they still continue with this terrible habit, and they even do it right after having a meal. It is very important to wait a few hours after having a meal and then smoke a cigarette because cigarettes contain nicotine which can bind to the excess oxygen essential for digestion, thus allowing the body to absorb more carcinogens than usual. According to some studies, smoking right after a meal is equal to smoking 10 cigarettes at once. In addition, this can increase your risk of lung and bowel cancer.


The best time for consuming fruit is before a meal, on an empty stomach due to the fact that fruits require different enzymes in order to digest. Also, the sugars contained in fruit need more time so they can be completely absorbed. Do not forget to mention that you will obtain the best benefits from all the nutrients, fiber and other sugars when your stomach is empty. Eating fruit after a meal, on the other hand, can cause heartburn, indigestion, and burping.

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