The 7 Early Warning Signs Your Blood Pressure Is In The Danger-Zone

Diet for high blood pressure

As 2/3 of the population are suffering from it, high blood pressure is a serious health problem that needs to be avoided. Here are the foods you should avoid if you’re suffering from high blood pressure:


According to studies, consuming sugar often is even more dangerous for your health than consuming salt frequently.

Trans fats and omega-6 fats

Both types of fat can be found in processed meat and can raise the inflammation in your body, effectively causing high blood pressure.


Drinking significant amounts of alcohol will narrow down your arteries and increase your blood pressure. This is why you should stick to the recommended amount of alcohol – 1 drink over 65, and two drinks if you’re younger than 65.

Foods rich in sodium

Avoid consuming foods rich in sodium such as canned and processed food.


Caffeine can be found in coffee, energy drinks, and soda cans and is highly dangerous in larger amounts. Caffeine can raise your blood pressure significantly, so make sure to consume it moderately.

Here are some foods that can reduce your blood pressure:

A Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are great for your cardiovascular health. It includes olive oil, fresh fruit, and vegetables, fish as well as olives.

Omega-3 rich foods

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids can reduce your blood pressure. To do this and treat inflammation, add flaxseeds, grass-fed beef and wild salmon in your daily diet.

Foods rich in fiber

Fresh vegetables, beans, and seeds contain a lot of fiber which will keep your blood vessels clean and regulate your blood pressure.

Foods rich in potassium

The American Heart Association suggests that a diet rich in potassium can control your blood pressure and negate the effects of sodium on your blood vessels.


White tea can improve the function of your blood vessels and thin the blood. This will result in decreased blood pressure, which is why we recommend drinking at least a couple cups of white tea a day.

Dark chocolate

Eating a bar of dark chocolate with a minimum of 200 mg. of cocoa can regulate your blood pressure immediately.

Apple cider vinegar

ACV contains a lot of potassium which will regulate your blood pressure.

Besides these foods, there are many supplements which can treat high blood pressure. Here are the best of them:

Magnesium supplements

Magnesium is a mineral which can reduce your blood pressure and relax your blood vessels. Consider taking 500 mg. of magnesium supplements daily.

Coenzyme Q10

This is a powerful antioxidant that promotes heart health and should be taken if you’re on cholesterol or blood pressure-lowering drugs. Take 200-300 mg. of coenzyme Q10 supplements every day to control your blood pressure.

Fish oil

Fish oil is rich in EPA and DHA forms of omega-3 fatty acids, which can relieve inflammation and promote cardiovascular health. Consuming fish oil regularly will normalize your blood pressure and lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.


Garlic is a natural vasodilator that can stimulate the production of nitric oxide and dilate your blood vessels. You can eat garlic raw or take it as a supplement.

According to a 2016 study, garlic can lower the peripheral and central blood pressure in people with high blood pressure and will also reduce inflammation in your arteries.


Cocoa contains a lot of flavonoids which can improve your blood flow and control your blood pressure.

Here are some of the best natural ways of treating high blood pressure:

Essential oils

Essential oils can reduce the oxidative stress and dilate the arteries, which will result in improved blood flow and lower blood pressure. Lavender, neroli, ylang, clary sage, frankincense and sweet marjoram are considered the best essential oils for reducing blood pressure.

To use them, just add a couple of drops to your lotion or in a diffuser.

Reduce stress

Stress increases blood pressure, so reducing it with meditation, yoga or other techniques will also regulate your blood pressure.

Physical activity

Exercising can help you reduce your blood pressure and will also burn a lot of fat, effectively decreasing the risk of numerous cardiovascular problems.

High blood pressure mostly affects adults, but it can also affect children. Children suffer from hypertension as a result of kidney or heart problems, unhealthy lifestyle, and physical inactivity. Most of the risk factors for high blood pressure can and should be controlled.

tag: blog , health

Source: qatarday


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