Science Confirms That Vitamin D Provides Many Benefits To Your Physical And Mental Health

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) May Be Too Low

According to the experts, the RDA may be too low, particularly for people who are not excessively exposed to the sun. In the past, vitamin D was believed to cause rickets in children. Nowadays, the status of vitamin D has been implicated in many other diseases, some of which contribute to the death of a great number of people. In order to live a longer and healthier life, it is extremely important to optimize your vitamin D levels. It seems that the dosages used in the studies above were quite small. In other words, maybe using higher doses can lead to much stronger results!

Get your vitamin D levels checked!

If you notice some of the symptoms above, you should visit your doctor and have your levels of 25-Hydroxy-Vitamin D measured. It is considered that a blood level of 50-80 ng/ml (125-200 nmol/L) is required for the optimal condition of your health as well as disease prevention.

If you have a vitamin D deficiency and increasing sun exposure is not something that you can do then we highly recommend you to start supplementing with vitamin D3. Being a fat-soluble vitamin, you should make sure to opt for a brand that has oil-filled caps. The required daily dosage depends on you and your needs.

If you prefer to get your vitamin D from the sun, try not to stay too long exposed to the sun and make sure not to burn.

However, the best thing to do is visit your doctor and consult for the required daily dosage. Only a blood test and your doctor can help you find out this!

tag: blog , health

Source: qatarday


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