Neurosurgeon Explains The Warning Signs Of An Aneurysm To Never Ignore


While these two symptoms can also be a sign of the flu, you may find that these symptoms are often more severe and out of the blue when it comes to a blood clot. If these symptoms don’t get better after a few days, you’ll want to seek out medical attention. You may be experiencing a blood clot within your abdomen, which could be dangerous if left untreated.


Many people get chronic headaches, but these ones will most likely be very severe. In fact, they may be strong enough to incapacitate you and make it hard to focus. You may also find that taking medication will not make your headaches feel better. If this is the case, you may want to seek medical attention, as this could indicate a blood clot in your brain.

According to WebMD, “One theory has been that people with migraines develop hardened plaque within the arteries — known as atherosclerosis — earlier than people without migraines. Atherosclerosis is a major risk factor for stroke. The imaging did not show more plaque buildup in the arteries of the people with migraines. But a review of medical records did reveal an increase in vein-related blood clots (such as deep vein thrombosis, DVT, and pulmonary embolism) in these people, compared to people without migraines.”

Final thoughts

Blood clots may sound scary, but if you keep your eye out for the symptoms, you may be able to catch the early warning signs in time to make sure that you get all of the medical attention you need. It’s good to know the signs of a blood clot even if you’re not at risk for them, because you may have friends or family members who are. If they don’t know what to look for you, you may be able to help them get the attention they need for a potentially dangerous blood clot.

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Source: qatarday


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