Natural Remedies for Food Poisoning

4. Fight bad gut bacteria with Apple Cider Vinegar

It may seem like a hard idea to swallow, but according to, apple cider vinegar is one of the best ways to get over a stomach bug quickly. A teaspoon or two mixed well into a glass of warm water helps suppress the harmful bacteria causing your food poisoning.

When choosing an apple cider vinegar, make sure to purchase a raw and organic one for the best anti-bacterial and antiviral properties.

5. Garlic can pack a punch to food poisoning

Even though the thought of eating a raw clove of garlic may seem like a bad idea, especially when you’re unable to keep anything down, there’s plenty of evidence suggesting that it’s a great way to fight off nausea and help rid your body of the bacteria responsible for the food poisoning.

Take a peeled clove of garlic and chew it thoroughly, then take a full glass of water. If you feel that you couldn’t possibly hold down a raw clove of garlic, consider making some garlic broth to sip on.

While not as effective as the raw clove, the broth will still work and help keep you hydrated.

6. Balance your good gut flora with Probiotics

After ridding some of the bacteria that made you sick, it’s time to help your digestive system recover and rally with good bacteria.

If you can keep it down, the beneficial probiotics in yogurt will help you gain the energy that you lost during your illness and balance the good flora in your gut, to help further combat the stomach bug.

7. Replenish your potassium with a Banana

If you’re feeling up to it, eating a banana (preferably in a smoothie) can help you to feel better, faster. says that one of the foods that you should absolutely try to eat while recovering from an irritated stomach is a banana.

Bananas are an integral part of the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast), gentle foods that will nourish you without upsetting a sore stomach. The natural potassium content in a banana will help to replenish the electrolytes that you lost through vomiting or diarrhea.
Drink Lemon Water to clean out your stomach

A glass of warm water with the freshly squeezed juice of one lemon and a pinch of sugar and salt in it will not only help gently cure your food poisoning but help rehydrate you as well.

The acidity in the lemon will suppress the bad bacteria growing in your stomach.

8. Prevent Inflammation with Cumin

Making a “tea” by boiling cumin seeds and drinking a few cups of it daily will help with your stomach irritation. You can also get a stronger, faster effect by chewing cumin seeds and drinking a cup of water afterward.

Although you will want to avoid foods that are traditionally seasoned with cumin, such as curries, seasoning bland foods with cumin may help with your sore stomach as well.

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tag: blog , health

Source: lanka-deepa


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