Most Digestive Problems Could Be Solved by Eating These Foods Regularly

Most Digestive Problems Could Be Solved by Eating These Foods Regularly

It’s amazing how much has changed in understanding the inner workings of the human body over the last few years. And with every passing day, there are new discoveries about your gut, particularly the billions of microbiota or gut bacteria that call it home.

Your gut microbiome has a huge impact on nearly every aspect of your health, from digestion and happiness to heart disease and diabetes.

How to Improve Your Gut Bacteria

As science learns more about gut health, it becomes increasingly important to give your gut what it needs. And that is a happy and diverse microbial population to make you as healthy as you can be. To achieve this, you need to eat a diet rich in inulin, fiber, prebiotics, probiotics, and antioxidants.

1. Prebiotics

Nondigestible carbohydrates that feed existing gut bacteria such as probiotics. They are found in plant sources and typically act as a fertilizer for your small intestine.

2. Probiotics

Live bacteria and yeasts that thrive in certain foods. These include dairy items like yogurt, kefir, and unpasteurized cheeses, as well as fermented foods like kimchi.

3. Inulin

A prebiotic found in many plant foods. It’s converted into short-chain fatty acids in the body and offers numerous health benefits, including stimulating gut bacterial growth.

4. Fiber

Another indigestible carbohydrate that also acts as food for gut bacteria. It plays an essential role in promoting heart health and digestion, as well as keeping your cholesterol levels in check.

5. Antioxidants

These come in the form of vitamins, nutrients, or phytochemicals to help prevent or stop free-radical cell damage. Polyphenols, in particular, are especially important for gut health. They strengthen your immune system and protect your cells from intruders and wear and tear.

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