How many Walnuts should you eat in a day?
alnuts are healthy nuts that contain a variety of important nutrients that can keep your health in check and prevent various ailments. The scientists involved in the study used MRI scans to see how walnuts affect the brain activity of the obese patients.
After observing the volunteers for two 5-day sessions during which they were given 48 gr. of walnuts daily, the scientists concluded that the nuts helped the patients choose healthier food options. The nuts also controlled their hunger levels and cravings, while lowering the risk of heart disease, improving their mood and memory and reducing the risk of certain types of cancer.
Walnuts are rich in various minerals such as copper and manganese, but they also contain a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, healthy fats that can do wonders for our heart health. According to experts, walnuts are the second-healthiest type of nuts, beaten only by almonds.
They are the perfect alternative to unhealthy snacks, and contain 654 calories, 15 gr. protein, 65 gr. fat and 14 gr. carbohydrates per 100 gr. Furthermore, walnuts are also rich in vitamin B6, antioxidants and magnesium which will keep your overall health in check.
According to a Harvard study, when consumed regularly and in the right amount, walnuts can assist in the prevention of colorectal cancer. Experts say that you only need a walnut or two per day for best results, and they can be added to your diet in various ways.
Simply eat them raw, grind them and add them to cookies, meals or salads, or just crush a few and top your smoothie. For best results, we recommend eating walnuts instead of unhealthy snacks like chips or chocolate bars. They will control your cravings and reduce your hunger, which will eventually lead to weight loss and far better overall health.
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