Here’s Why You Should Load Up On Watermelon This Summer
Summer is upon us and as we experience the temperatures soaring, you find yourself craving for water-rich fruits, especially watermelons. Also known as tarbooz, watermelons are mostly water, about 92 percent of it. Each juicy bite of the bright red fruit has significant amount of nutrients like vitamins A, B6 and C, lots of lycopene, antioxidants and amino acids along with a generous amount of potassium. For those looking to lose weight, this fruit comes as a fat-free snack that's low in sodium content and has lesser calories to add up to. The nutrients help your body function optimally.
Watermelon is known to be an ideal fruit for weight loss and cleansing; thanks to its hydrating properties and the lesser calories it has to add up. It is said that a cup of watermelon has about 40 to 47 calories. So if you had to go on a four to five days of detox that involves eating watermelon, it could actually help you lose weight and help cleanse and detox your body. While it may not be recommended by doctors as the body needs more nutrients to help the body function properly, if done under proper supervision, you can detoxify your body with watermelons too.
Here's how watermelons helps with cleansing, weight loss and health
- Watermelon is alkalising, so if your body is excessively acidic, it may help in neutralising the acid and keep it balanced.
- It contains glutathione that helps improve liver function. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants and detoxifying agent.
- The potassium in watermelon balances high amounts of sodium in our diets that support your kidneys and help cleanse them.
- It also helps reduce inflammation that contributes to conditions like asthma, arthritis, diabetes and in some cases cancer.
- The lycopene content in watermelon helps slow down the effect of ageing caused by the oxidation in your body that causes wrinkles and blemishes.
Go ahead and add them in your daily diet. Make sure you consult a Nutritionist if you are up for just fruit diet in order to lose weight this summer.
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