Healthy Diet

Healthy Diet


To function properly, the human body needs 50 nutrients, which can only be obtained from the food we eat. Nutrient that the body can not produce are called “essential”. One example are the omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, which are necessary for normal growth, development and many other processes in the body.

How to have a healthy diet?

Follow dietary guidelines! Consuming different kinds of food you get all the nutrients you need.


1. Enjoy the different types of food.

-Eat Lots of vegetables (including legumes) and fruits

-Eat A lot of cereals (including bread, rice, pasta, noodles), preferably from whole grains

-In Diet include lean meat, fish, poultry and / or alternatives such as legumes and nuts

-Push the dairy products with less fat and / or alternatives

-Drink lots of water

2. Make sure that:


-Limit intake of saturated fat and total fat

-Choose foods containing a moderate amount of salt

-Limit your alcohol intake

-Consume moderate amounts of sugars and foods containing added sugars

3. Prevent the growth of body weight physical activity and diet to suit your needs.

4. Birds and supportive breastfeeding



-Each week, try a new type of food or a new way to prepare your favorite food.

-When planning a meal, start with moderate amounts of carbohydrate rich foods like bread, pasta, rice, grains or fruits and vegetables, then add the meat, poultry or dairy products for protein. So you can be sure that you enter the correct amount of carbohydrates, protein and foods rich in vitamins. For the evening meal, try to fill half of your plate vegetables.

-Select mono- or poly-unsaturated margarine as a spread for bread or rolls.

-Find a way that you will be aktivniji.Redovno visit the gym or go for a walk your dog. Even if you exercise a little but often, it can give good results.

-If you drink alcohol, be sure to drink with him and water.

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