Eating this for breakfast for 1 month helps you lose fat like crazy

Eating this for breakfast for 1 month helps you lose fat like crazy

The excess of body fat can cause the appearance of numerous diseases that are very present in our everyday lives like: fatty liver, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, but also cause cancer. If we intake foods that are rich in fiber, we’ll feel fuller for a longer period of time. They are also ideal for people who have digestive problems and constipation.

Foods rich in protein should be used if we want to have an excellent muscle mass and lose some weight. They also give us plenty of energy for every day.


If you want to lose some weight, you shouldn’t fast. Our recommendation is to take some smoothie every morning for breakfast and you’ll see that it will help you lose weight naturally.

Here, we’re presenting you some recipes that will help you burn fat more efficiently and speed up your metabolism!



2 tablespoons of crushed almonds

1 banana

2 fresh or dried figs

1 orange

1/3 of a cup of water

2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil


Put all the ingredients in a blender. Blend until it becomes smooth. Drink it fresh!

Note: If you use dried figs, first you have to soak them in water for 30 minutes before you use them.



1 apple

1 cup raspberries

1 tablespoon flax seeds

1 banana

½ a lemon


Just put all the ingredients in a blender and mix well. Drink the smoothie fresh!

Note: If you use organic apples, do not peel them!



½ an apple

1 orange

2 kiwis

1 tablespoon flax seeds

1 banana

1 tablespoon of hazelnuts


Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix well. Drink it fresh!

tag: blog , health

Source: newdailyrecipes


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