
Drink Lemon Water Instead Of Pills If You Have One Of These 13 Problems

Consume a glass of warm lemon water every morning. Lemon juice is a mighty antioxidant. The amount of benefits it has are countless.

Regular consumption of lemon juice provides a powerful immunity boost, enhances digestion, reduces cravings, stimulates healthy weight loss, and enables a proper pH balance in the body.



Use lemon juice to relieve the following ailments:

1. Acne treatment

Lemon water prevents the occurrence, and reduces acidic effects. Gently rub your face with a squeezed lemon. It is a nice cleansing technique.

2. Kidney stones

Potassium increases citrate levels in urine, which prevents the formation of oxalates.

3. Immunity boost

Lemon water improves the lymphatic function, which helps the immune system to detect and eradicate pathogens.

4. Suppress appetite and lose weight

Vitamins in lemons regulate blood sugar. The citrus fruit is also rich in pectin, a fiber that aids in controlling hunger. Lemon juice also enhances digestion. It stimulates bile production, and your body uses it to break down food.

5. Gallbladder ache

Drink lemon water with your meals to deal with this aching condition.

6. Cold and flu

Vitamin C in lemons acts as a natural antioxidant. It provides strong antibacterial properties, which is why it should be used in the treatment of flu and colds.

7. Gastroesophaegal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Stay away from your TUMS, and drink lemon water instead. You should notice some improvement within 2 weeks.

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