Diet For Increasing The Male Fertility

Diet For Increasing The Male Fertility

Potential causes of infertility in men is the progressive decline in the total number of sperm in the ejaculate, and the reduced number of movables and morphologically normal sperm.

Scientists from Denmark concluded that the use of too much saturated fat in the diet adversely affect the male fertility. Studies have shown that the number of sperm in men who ate too much dietary fat, fell by a whopping 41%. Therefore the diet recommended expulsion of all meat products (sausages, frankfurters, sausages, pâtés), meat products (ham, bacon), fried food and blasphemed, margarine, chips and other snacks industry.


A major impact on the quality of sperm has smoking, alcohol and too much coffee, physical inactivity, stress, depression, age, possible exposure to chemicals.

MYTH for the protein

Most men tend to consume more protein to increase muscle mass. Convinced that it is food for real men, so often decide on the Atkins diet. Also, those who are physically active, particularly if exercise in the gym, use protein shakes and food that really increases muscle mass, but simultaneously reduces testosterone levels. Some studies have shown that testosterone levels after intake of full fat milkshake even decline by 50%.

Miraculous Vitamin C

The results of numerous studies have shown that intake of sufficient amounts of vitamin C, improves the quality of sperm, providing vitality and motility of sperm.

In one study participants during the 60 days receiving 1000 mg of vitamin C per day, and the results were surprising – the number of sperm was increased to 60% and motility improved by 30%.

How it works vitamin C?

It is assumed that it is antioxidant effect. The men who do not consume enough vitamin C increases the risk of damaged sperm production, which can be a cause of congenital anomalies in children.

In order to enter about 200 mg of vitamin C with food, you need to eat 3 oranges or two glasses of orange juice; half a red pepper, kiwi or three cup frozen red fruit …


Increases sperm count and testosterone levels, stimulates cell division and sexual desire and also is indispensable for the formation of the sperm tail. Therefore, this mineral is one of the important substances for maintaining fertility and sufficient only 15 mg of zinc per day. Seafood such as crabs and clams are the best source of this beneficial nutrient, and also has the seeds of sunflower and pumpkin, wheat germ and brewer’s yeast.


Selenium, like zinc, stimulates the production of sperm and their motility, and in addition it reduces the number of abnormal male sex cells. It is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone, which regulates sperm production. When the level of selenium is particularly low there is a risk of falling on the tail of sperm and DNA damage.

One of the best sources of selenium is Brazil nuts (enough to eat only five nuts a day). In consultation with the doctor can use a supplement containing selenium.


Lycopene is one of 650 carotenoids which in high concentrations are found in the testes of healthy men, and low levels of this substance is observed mainly in those who suffer from infertility.

Red fruits and vegetables, primarily tomatoes-cooked and red grapefruit are rich in lycopene.

Vitamin E

This nutrient enhances the ability of sperm for impregnation. Foods that are rich in vitamin E are: whole grains, sprouts, nuts and almonds.

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Source: qatarday


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