Dates Are The Healthiest Fruit And Also A Cure

7. Improved libido

To improve your sex life, soak a few dates in goat’s milk and in the morning, add honey and cardamom to the mixture. This will increase your energy and potential.


8. Strengthens the heart

You should soak the dates in the water, and mix them in the morning. Drink the milkshake to support the health of the heart.

9. Weight Loss

Dates regulate appetite and provide nutrients that help you lose extra pounds. However, keep in mind that they are high in sugar and should be consumed in very moderate amounts.

10. Reduce high blood pressure

Only 5-6 dates provide 80 mg of magnesium that dilates the blood vessels. Studies have shown that you need 370 mg magnesium on a daily basis to lower high blood pressure and keep it regulated.

11. Supports eye health

Dates contain vitamins that enhance eye health, lutein and zeaxanthin, which are beneficial to the retina of the eye and macula. They improve eyesight and prevent macula damage due to aging.

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