Check out How to Balance Female Hormones Naturally!

A great number of women find it useful to include essential oils into massage that can be timed to support the needs of your body around your menstrual cycle. If you want to use them for massage, dilute them into a carrier oil like jojoba oil or coconut oil.

Even though peppermint oil isn’t specifically beneficial for menopause, it has been found to alleviate headaches. So, in case you experience headaches during your monthly cycle, you may want to apply some peppermint essential oil directly to your forehead with a roll-on applicator or by hand.


Here Are a Few Essential Oil Blends That May Help Alleviate PMS:

Here are a few recipes for essential oil blends that may help create a sense of well-being around your monthly menstrual cycle if you add them to a massage oil or a soaking bath:

Menstrual Massage Blend: Combine ten drops of nutmeg, ten drops of peppermint, five drops of cypress, and five drops of lavender essential oils into thirty ml of a carrier oil such as jojoba oil or coconut oil. Add this blend to a bath, or massage it onto your lower back or abdomen every day, before and during your period.

PMS Hormonal Balance Blend: Combine a drop of ylang ylang, a drop of geranium, and two drops of clary sage essential oil.

PMS Bath Blend: Combine three drops of lavender, two drops of geranium, three drops of chamomile, and five drops of clary sage essential oils with a handful of Epsom salts and a tablespoon of jojoba oil and then add it to warm bath water. Soak it for about forty-five minutes for maximum benefits.

Also, you may want to mix three drops each of chamomile, clary sage, and juniper essential oil into thirty ml of a carrier oil. Massage it clockwise around your abdomen.

Cautions and Risks Related to Using Essential Oils

Keep in mind that as essential oils are natural, it doesn’t mean that they are safe for you in each instance. Quality, formulations, and dosing often vary. You shouldn’t take them orally, even if they are high-quality. Essential oils are strong and may contribute to stomach, mouth, or esophagus irritation.

Certain essential oils may also irritate your skin. That’s why you should view them as any other drug by taking these precautions:

– In case you already know you are allergic to the herb from which the essential oil is derived, you may also be allergic to the oil; so you may want to avoid it.

– Include an essential oil at a time in your routine until you determine which ones your body can handle.

– Do a patch test on a small skin area before using them for massage or any other application.

– Contact your local poison control center in case you use a great amount or think you are experiencing a negative reaction to certain oil;

– Avoid using more than the recommended dose and follow the dilution instructions provided by the manufacturer;

In case you are nursing or pregnant, consult an essential oils practitioner or a doctor before using essential oils. Certain types of oils have been found to result in uterine contractions and cramping during pregnancy.

Other Tips on How to Balance Your Hormones Naturally:

Your lifestyle choices have a huge impact on your overall health as well as vitality. In other words, the quality of your sleep, your diet, and how much you exercise will actually have a positive or negative impact on your hormones. Apart from using essential oils, you can also use these remedies:

– Follow a healthy, balanced diet based on whole foods, such as high-quality beneficial fats, organic fruits and veggies, and grass fed meat and dairy;

– Decrease your consumption of processed foods that possess toxic additives and chemicals, which may have a negative impact of your body’s ability to balance hormones;

– Adopt stress-reduction techniques, including meditation, yoga, prayer, and controlled breathing;

– Give up smoking;

– Exercise on a regular basis. Your work-out program should include various activities, like weight training, stretching, peak fitness, high-intensity cardio and core training. Avoid sitting for too long and remain active and upright as much as you can during non-exercise hours;

– Maintain a healthy weight;

– Get enough sleep;

– Minimize your intake of sugar and caffeine;

– Lower your consumption of processed vegetable oils, because most of them are GMO. You should also balance your omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid intake.  Omega-3 fatty acids may help you balance your hormones. You should choose a high-quality, animal-based omega-3 fatty acid, like wild-caught Alaskan salmon, anchovies, or sardines. In case you don’t want to eat fish, take a high-quality krill oil or fish oil supplement.

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