Attention! 4 Common Household Products to Be Banned Because They Are Believed to Cause Skin Cancer


The anti-dandruff shampoo ¨Head and Shoulders 2-in-1″ contains methylchloroisothiazolinone and ammonium sulfate which may have been contaminated during production with a component such as 1, 4-dioxane.


Scientific studies have proven these components to be carcinogenic when combined together. United States Department of Health and Human Services said that they should be withdrawn from the market.

That is why we urge you to prepare a natural shampoo with rosemary and cypress to eliminate dandruff. Here´s how to make it: Mix five tablespoons of a common shampoo, three springs of rosemary and the same amount of cypress, five tablespoons of lemon or apple vinegar. Put it in a container with a lid and use it four times a week until the dandruff is gone.


It is supposed that antibacterial soap serves to get rid of the bad bacteria and germs. But current studies from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have shown that these soaps contain an ingredient called Triclosan, which is causing the following problems:

 >  Interference with hormonal levels (in the early age and puberty)

 >  Increases the risk of infertility and cancer.

Eliminate these chemical soaps and change them for the natural one, made at home. Homemade soaps are very good for skin and health in general. This is how you can make them:

 >  Grate a bar of mild, chemical-free soap with a standard grater.

 >  Melt the soap on low heat and stir it to avoid the formation of lumps.

 >  Add 30 drops of an essential oil to the melted soap and mix it well.

 >  Pour the mixture in a container and let it dry. After that you´ll be able to use it.

 >  Always pick an essential oil such as: eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, lemon, clove and tea tree because they have anti-bacterial properties.

If you want to make a positive change in your house and to improve your health, take advantage of the benefits provided by natural products. They are equally effective, and even better than others that contain harmful substances. When you make your own hygiene products you are protecting your own life and the lives of your loved ones.

tag: blog , health

Source: qatarday


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