An amazing 62-kg weight loss story! He did it in just 10 months!

An amazing 62-kg weight loss story! He did it in just 10 months!

Losing weight is like any other skill, which requires determination. For a healthy weight loss, you indeed need a proper guidance which shouldn't impact your health. At his highest weight, when it started hampering his health, Jaydeep decided to drop kilos and followed certain bits of advice. When it didn't work for him, he took the initiative, studied about the human body and followed healthy practices. He lost 62 kilos in a short span of 10 months and proved the adage, "nothing is impossible". Here he tells about his weight loss journey which is surely an inspiration for many.

Name: Jaydeep Bhuta

Occupation: Nutrition consultant

Age: 30

Highest weight recorded: 142 kgs

Weight lost: 62 kgs

Duration it took me to lose 62kgs: 10 months

The turning point: At my highest weight of 142 kilos, a lot of medical issues had started flashing. Some of my health concerns were:



Lower back spasms

Knee pain

Depression and lethargy

Always fatigued and sleepy (even after sleeping for 12hrs)

Sleep apnea

Lower levels of testosterone

Fatty liver

All the above-mentioned issues and many more were the reason for me to take my health seriously and make changes in my lifestyle.

My breakfast: Cauliflower poha or moong daal chilla with a few nuts.

My lunch: Green leafy vegetables cooked in olive oil or butter with cottage cheese. Occasionally, I prefer eating pulses.

My dinner: It is somewhat similar to lunch. I eat vegetables cooked in spices with almond flour bread or grilled vegetables with cheese or some egg preparation.

I indulge in (what you eat on your cheat days): My cheat days were very occasional. And even when I felt like cheating, I would choose healthier cheat meals. I make my own healthy ice cream or desserts using dark chocolate and stevia. My only weakness is sweets and chocolates and I love preparing interesting and healthy sweet options.

My workout: As I have studied Kinesiology and Biomechanics (exercise science), selecting the right exercises for fat-loss was not of any concern.

Selecting the right exercises is very important and like any other science, even exercise is a science which should be understood by everyone to get effective results.

I work out 3 to 4 days a week and my schedule includes:

Day 1 - Lower body workout (squats, lunges, leg curl, calf muscle) followed by 45 minutes of cardio.

Day 2 - Only cardio (30 to 45 minutes)

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tag: blog , health

Source: timesofindia


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