7 Foods We Eat At Wrong Hours That Are Harming Our Health


Best Time To Eat: Noon

Banana is loaded with fibres that help in the digestion process. Banana also has natural antacids and helps in soothing heartburn. They also keep the energy level high throughout the day. It’s a perfect before workout food too.

Worst Time To Eat: Night

When eaten at night, banana increases cough and cold and leads to mucus formation. Since banana is very rich in magnesium, if taken on an empty stomach at night, it can lead to stomach troubles.


Best Time To Eat: Morning

Apple is a rich source of fiber called pectin, especially the apple peel is packed with pectin. Pectin helps to smoothen the bowel function, prevents constipation and and eliminates carcinogens from the body.

Worst Time To Eat: Evening/Night

Apple has a high content of organic acid. When consumed at night, it may cause acid reflux due to the release of the acids, thereby increasing the acid levels.

tag: blog , health

Source: qatarday


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