6 Foods That Contain More Calcium Than a Glass of Milk

4. Salmon: Seafood lovers, rejoice! One serving of delicate salmon may contain up to 340 mg of calcium. Of course, you can't switch to salmon for your daily needs, but it's good to know what to order next time you're out for a healthy meal at a fancy restaurant.


5. Dried Figs: These lovely sweet treats pack a whole lot of calcium along with a dose of powerful antioxidants. One and a half cup of dried figs will contain about 320 mg of calcium. But remember, figs are high in calories too. You can add a handful to your breakfast bowl or sneak them in a an energy bar or a trail mix.

6. Chia Seeds: 100 grams of chia seeds contain a whooping 631 mg of calcium. Let's make this simpler for you - about three tablespoons of chia seeds will have more calcium than a glass of milk. So, don't shy away from these tiny wonders.

It is good to include these foods in your diet along with milk to get balanced nutrition daily. Calcium is an important mineral that your body requires and a good diet should take care of all your needs. 

tag: blog , health

Source: ndtv


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