6 Causes of Water Weight Gain and Effective Ways to Reverse Water Retention

4. Lack Of Potassium

Potassium is an essential mineral responsible for proper function of cells, tissues, and organs in the body. It is an electrolyte which is required to maintain a normal water balance in the body.

High consumption of salt, too much sweating through exercise, not eating foods rich in this mineral can cause a depletion of potassium, which then lead to edema or water retention.


A lack of potassium may also cause other health issues such as muscle spasms, cramps and weight gain.

Potassium helps reduce water retention in the body by reducing the sodium level, and by increasing the body’s production of urine.

Most fruits have high potassium content and it’s especially high in watermelon, rockmelon and honeymelon. Adding more fruits and vegetables in your diet is a good way to obtain this mineral, instead of taking supplements that may cause side effects.

5. Dehydration

Not drinking enough water can cause a dehydration issue in your body. When you are dehydrated, your intelligent body goes into survival mode and retains water “in fear of drought”.

Regularly drinking plenty of water and juices that are rich in potassium will alleviate this condition, by telling your body that “there is no drought” and there is no need to retain water.

Understand how much water you need to drink daily, drink that amount and more until your water retention subsides. Coffee, soda drinks don’t contribute to your water quota and in fact further dehydrate your cells.

6. Eating Too Much Processed Foods

Processed foods not only have high content of sodium and sugar, they also contain various artificial food additives that work as toxins that burden your liver and kidneys.

Foods high in sugar, especially in artificial sweeteners cause rapid spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels that will require your cells to retain more sodium by increasing re-absorption of sodium in the kidneys.

Cut down on your intake of processed foods. Juice fasting is a good way to detoxify your body of toxins to keep your body in tip-top condition and be rid of chronic ailments.

Herbs That Are Beneficial For Reducing Water Retention

There are a few herbs that can be potentially beneficial for reducing water retention by their diuretic properties. However, keep in mind that these are only supported by anecdotal evidence, not lab studies.



Parsley—go to this page for parsley tea recipe




Corn silk


tag: blog , health

Source: qatarday


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