4 Silent Signs You May Have Clogged Arteries and How to Unclog Them Naturally
More than 700 000 people experience heart attack every year in the United States. This condition can be detected early, which will lead to lifestyle changes and medical therapies that can help in delay of the heart attack.
Here are some of the clues to underlying heart disease:
1. Erectile dysfunction could be a sign of clogged arteries
When achieving an erection is difficult for men, it can be a symptom of clogged arteries in the pelvis, which occurs before a heart attack. On average, there are 3-5 years between the start of the erectile dysfunction and the discovery of Coronary heart disease. This means there is much time to detect and prevent heart issues.
2. Baldness as an indication of clogged arteries
A new study in which participated almost 37,000 men, showed that severe baldness at the crown of the head significantly shows a presence of silent Coronary heart disease at any age.
3. Ear crease might be a symptom of clogged arteries
This is a strange symptom, but it has been mentioned in different medical researches, which report it as a sign of silent Coronary heart disease. The ear crease may occur due to poor circulation, including in arteries in the heart.
4. Pain in the calf when walking might indicate to clogged arteries
Atherosclerosis can block the arteries in legs, especially in smokers, before Coronary heart disease is diagnosed. If you have this symptom, get checked by your doctor without any delay.
If you have this symptom, eat more plant-based foods and consume fewer animal products. Also, consider starting a walking program. People who have done this, their calf pain disappeared after a few weeks and it has not occurred for years.
If you have any of the above mentioned signs of silent Coronary heart disease, you should know your levels of blood pressure, cholesterol, and fasting glucose.
Consult your doctor about checking for heart disease with an EKG, a coronary calcium CT imaging, or an exercise stress testing.
Using 2.5 mg of folic acid, 25 mg of Vitamin B6, and 0.5mg of Vitamin B12 for 1 year, can significantly reduce arterial thickness. Niacin or folic acid has this effect in patients, too. Always choose natural sources of the B-group vitamins, including probiotic supplementation, or a whole food extract, instead synthetic or semi-synthetic vitamins which, are more and more present on the market today.
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