14 Foods You’ll Never Eat Again Once You Know The ingredients

11. Coffee creamer

If you aren’t a fan of black coffee, you might be putting some pretty disgusting stuff into that morning cup of joe. Non-dairy coffee creamers have a concoction of oils that allow it to mimic the creaminess of milk. Most creamers use soybean or cottonseed oil to give it that smooth consistency. Each time you add liquid creamer to your coffee, you’re basically dousing it in oil.


If you think oil in your coffee is strange, you probably don’t want to know what powdered creamer is made out of. Powdered creamers contain an anti-caking agent called sodium aluminosilicates. This substance is highly flammable — not exactly the sort of thing you want to drink at breakfast.

12. Fat-free milk

If you think you can skip the horrible additives in non-dairy creamer by using fat-free milk in your coffee, think again. It turns out not even milk is safe from gross ingredients. When fat is removed from milk, the color turns blue. Since the Food and Drug Administration agrees that non-white milk would be too hard for consumers to drink, they allow it to be processed with titanium dioxide to keep its light color.

Somehow, the FDA thinks that it’s less off-putting for people to drink metal than to drink blue-tinted milk.

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tag: blog , health

Source: worldtruth


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