14 Foods You’ll Never Eat Again Once You Know The ingredients

9. Bread

No one wants to find a hair in their food, but that just might be what you’re eating every time you have some toast. A lot of commercial bread has an additive called L-cysteine. This amino acid gives the bread a longer shelf life, but is often synthesized from human hair, which is just plain disgusting. To avoid getting hair in your mouth, opt for freshly made bread from the bakery instead of processed bread from the grocery store.


10. Canned mushrooms

Canned mushrooms? More like a can of worms…or maggots. FDA guidelines are meant to keep food safe, but they do allow traces of some pretty nasty stuff. Maggots and mites are particularly drawn to mushrooms, it seems, leading the FDA to rule on just how large a portion of these creepy creatures can be served up with canned or dried mushrooms.

The FDA is totally cool with maggots in your canned mushrooms, so long as they don’t exceed “an average of 20 or more maggots of any size per 100 g of drained mushrooms and the proportionate liquid…” To give you a sense of what that means, one cup of canned mushrooms is the equivalent 156 g, meaning that 30 or more maggots might be in every cup of canned mushrooms! Mites can be present in even larger numbers, not to exceed “an average of 75 or more mites per 100 g of drained mushrooms and the proportionate liquid…”

Believe it or not, it gets even nastier; up to 10 percent of those mushrooms can be decomposed. Yuck.

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tag: blog , health

Source: worldtruth


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