14 Foods You’ll Never Eat Again Once You Know The ingredients

7. Pretty much anything with red food dye

If you’re eating something that seems to be unnaturally red, you might want to rethink it. A lot of red food coloring is made from crushed bugs. This ingredient is completely safe and has been used for centuries, but there is a definite ick factor involved. Officially known as cochineal dye, it also pops up on labels as carmine or carminic acid so look out for those words if you want to avoid a serving of dead insects with your food.

8. Chewing gum

Chewing gum comes in a lot of delicious flavors but a lot of them have one thing in common: they’re made out of sheep. To be more specific, many chewing gums are made out of a secretion made from the skin glands of sheep. The substance, called lanolin, is the stuff that makes chewing gum chewy and is also found in many skin products. Chewing gums that don’t use lanolin are often made out of synthetic rubbers instead.

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tag: blog , health

Source: worldtruth


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