14 Foods You’ll Never Eat Again Once You Know The ingredients

5. Wine

Even wine is not safe from weird and gross additives. Animal rights group PETA warns on their website that many wines “include blood and bone marrow, casein (milk protein), chitin (fiber from crustacean shells), egg albumen (derived from egg whites), fish oil, gelatin (protein from boiling animal parts), and isinglass (gelatin from fish bladder membranes.”

Since wineries are not required to disclose the ingredients of each bottle, you may never know what you’re really drinking.

6. Ground beef

You may have heard of pink slime, but did you know that it’s in your ground beef? A lot of supermarkets add this filler made out of ammonia-coated beef trimmings, which lowers the cost of the ground beef, at least for the people supplying it.


You won’t see this ingredient on the label, either; since it’s still meat (its proper name is lean finely textured beef or LFTB), supermarkets are free to dupe the public into thinking they are purchasing fresh ground beef.

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tag: blog , health

Source: worldtruth


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